Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Are Vinyl Replacement Windows Green

Finally smart homeowners are starting to look at green products when they do home improvements. Since replacement windows are considered as an expensive home improvement, educated consumers are turning to the internet for their research. Most replacement window shoppers want a good window that will save them money on their heating bills, but replacement windows offer a bunch of other rewards;

1. Lower heating bills.

2. Lower air conditioning bills

3. Less fading of carpet, furniture and rugs from the harmful UV rays.

4. Your replacement windows feel cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

5. Vinyl replacement windows can save you a couple hundred gallons of heating oil a year.

6. The best rated vinyl replacement windows can last you a lifetime.

With this short list (not a complete list) in mind, let's explore how vinyl windows are green.

1. If your heating and air conditioning units are not running as much then they will last longer.

2. If the Low E film on your vinyl replacement windows gives your carpet, furniture and drapes a longer life then they help to save landfill space.

3. If you are not getting the chills sitting next to your windows in the winter you can turn down your heat a couple of degrees and save some oil.

4. Triple pane vinyl replacement windows are projected to save you up to 20-40% on your heating and cooling fuel consumption. If you use 1000 gallons of oil a year that is a savings of 200-400 gallons of heating oil! Imagine if every home switched over to energy efficient windows?

Hopefully by now you are excited about how vinyl replacement windows might be a green replacement window option for your home. A good question at this point is "why are vinyl windows greener than wood or metal windows"? What an excellent question, here's the answer;

1. Vinyl windows that are made of pure PVC will last a lifetime. Generally wood and metal windows will fail in 5-20 years. A lifetime product will save room in our landfills.

2. Most brands of vinyl replacement windows offer triple pane glass. With triple pane glass you achieve the highest possible energy savings.

Good luck on your window project. If you are looking for a free replacement window estimate feel free to click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a good post about the benefits of purchasing vinyl (uPVC) replacement windows.