Friday, September 21, 2007

How About A Draft Free Winter

With winter on it's way, now is the perfect time to replace your drafty windows and doors. By replacing your doors and windows you can save up to 35% off of your heating bill! Since heating cost are very high, most people are torn between paying the high heating bills or living in a cold house. Energy efficient doors and windows can cut your heating bill and make your home a more comfortable place for you and your family.

When you add up all of the gaps around a window that is drafty it adds up to the size of a brick! If your house has 12 windows and 3 doors it is like your home is missing 15 bricks. With the cold air pouring in and your heat rushing out the thought of living in this environment is just insane. Wearing extra layers of clothes, placing plastic sheets over the windows or hanging blankets over the windows is not the answer.

New energy efficient doors and windows are the answer if you want a comfortable house and lower heating bills. They are properly weather stripped in order to block drafts and their insulation slows down the heat when it try to escape from your home. With no cold air blowing into your home and the ability to keep your warm air in your home you will able to relax in your comfortable home. You will notice that your furnace cycles on and off less often, this means one thing, you are burning less fuel. Depending on your climate and how bad your existing windows are, you can save 35% on your fuel consumption. I have heard of cases where people saved up to 50%! Add up your heating bills for the past few heating seasons and ask yourself if you would like 35% of that money in your bank account?

The only catch is your new energy efficient doors and windows will need to be installed by a professional door and window company. You can take the best windows in the world and if they are not installed properly they will actually cost you more money to own than your old windows. Generally home builders, handymen, carpenters, and other tradespeople are not professional window installers. If your windows are not installed properly your warranty will become void, your home will be drafty and you will of wasted your hard earned money.

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